[Javascript] any way to add a zero to a number

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Thu Jun 13 13:31:05 CDT 2002

	If you can do that, then you'll need to create the index as a string rather
than an integer (i.e. delimit it with quotes), and pass a string rather than
an integer to look up the value.

"'","\'")&"';" &vbcrlf%>

|-----Original Message-----
|From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu [mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
|Behalf Of Scott.Wiseman
|can index be non-integers?
|I am reading in the book
|that I can have an array like this
|is this possible
|and if so why isn't this working
|-----Original Message-----
|From: Peter Brunone [mailto:peter at brunone.com]
|	That's exactly what should happen.  You pass it the index, and it
|finds the
|corresponding value in the array.
||-----Original Message-----
||From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu [mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
||Behalf Of Scott.Wiseman
||officearray[0001]='office test';
||officearray[0004]='office test';
||officearray[0006]='office test';
||officearray[0008]='office test';
||OK I got it to work with this code:
||  <% for x = lbound(OfficeNameNumber) to ubound(OfficeNameNumber) %>
||     <% if OfficeNameNumber(x) <> "" then %>
||   <%response.write
||&"';" &vbcrlf%>
||     <% end if %>
||  <%next%>
||but when I pass it "0001" it does not find the "0001"
||but when I pass it the "1" it finds the "0001"
||what is going on here...
||-----Original Message-----
||From: Peter Brunone [mailto:peter at brunone.com]
||	It looks like you're doing exactly what you need to do already in
||server-side VBScript.  However, you're trying to use a string as the
||client-side array index, and I don't think you can do that.
||	Either make two arrays (one for office name and one for office
||number), or
||just pull the number parameter in and ParseInt() it so it matches
|the array
||when you want to select it.  Will this work, or is there more to the
|||-----Original Message-----
|||From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu [mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
|||where would I put this?
|||<the code>
|||'---------------------GET offices FROM DATBASE------------------
|||	dim  OfficeNameNumber(2000),countarray
|||   	set cmd = nothing
|||	set cmd = server.CreateObject("ADODB.COMMAND")
|||	with cmd
|||		.ActiveConnection		= cnn
|||		.CommandText 			= "get_active_offices"
|||		.CommandType 			=  adCmdStoredProc
|||	end with
|||	set rst = cmd.execute
|||	DO WHILE not rst.eof
|||		if rst("franchiseid") then
|||		   OfficeNameNumber(rst("franchiseid")) = rst("officename")
|||	   end if
|||     	rst.movenext
|||   LOOP
|||'  ReDim Preserve OfficeNameNumber(countarray)
|||	rst.close
|||	set rst = nothing
|||   	set cmd = nothing
|||'response.write "<p>"& OfficeNameNumber(789)
|||<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
|||<!-- Begin
|||     officearray = new Array(2000);
|||  <% for x = lbound(OfficeNameNumber) to ubound(OfficeNameNumber) %>
|||     <% if OfficeNameNumber(x) <> "" then %>
|||          officearray[<%=right("0000"+x,4)%>]= '<%=
|||replace(OfficeNameNumber(x),"'","\'") %>';
|||     <% end if %>
|||  <%next%>
|||function getofficename(number,thefield)
|||   if(officearray[number]>"")
|||   {
|||     thefield.value = officearray[number];
|||   }
|||-----Original Message-----
|||From: Muchacho, Laurent (TWIi London) [mailto:LMuchacho at twii.net]
|||Hi scott
|||I think Josiah Gordon already answer to that question
|||-----Original Message-----
|||From: Josiah Gordon [mailto:jgordon at directfile.com]
|||Try creating a string variable and appending your variable to
|||"000". In your
|||database read the var in as an int.
|||	var str = "000";
|||	var num = 1;
|||	str += num;
|||	document.write(str); // ==> 0001
|||That work?
|||Josiah Gordon
|||-----Original Message-----
|||From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu [mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
|||I really want 0001
|||but I get 1..
|||this is not good
|||for my database
|||p.s. Thanks for everyone's help so far.

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