[Javascript] Flash, DHTML, IE6

Flying Lemon Systems nancybv at flyinglemon.com
Mon Jun 17 23:57:57 CDT 2002

I have a dhtml menu (floating menu) that works fine cross-browser, except on
pages with Flash embedded. There it does not work for IE6 - it can
apparently not read the line

if (ie4) {object1.style.pixelTop=document.body.scrollTop+offsettop}

ie4 has been defined as document.all?1:0
offsettop is a number (I've tried changing this number dramatically to see
if it makes any difference. It doesn't. That's why I think it can't read the
line. If I take the Flash out, it reads this line fine.)

Something to do with the z-index I think, but does anybody know this problem
and how to solve it? Does Flash automatically assign itself to the highest
possible Z-level? Is the Flash file automatically object1?

Any ideas much appreciated.


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