[Javascript] Try to submit a form

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Tue Jun 18 23:36:39 CDT 2002

Ack.  Speaking of dumb, it's past my bedtime.

	I completely misread your code; sorry about that.  I see now that you're
only trying to submit one at a time.

	A few more addled questions, if I still may :)

1)  Have you tried an alert in place of each submit (instead of just some)
to make sure the "else if" clause is triggered?  It could be a mis-typing
error in your div references.  If on the other hand you are sure the problem
is in the submit() command, can you verify for certain that the form is not
submitting, i.e. might the missing database changes be the result of a
problem in the processing page?

2)  Why are you testing eval("visible_1.style.visibility == 'visible'") when
you could just test for visible_1.style.visibility == 'visible' ?

3)  You may have a problem with form indices in a page.  I can't say for
sure how this works out, but I know that the order isn't always what you
think it is.  Have you tried using the form name instead?

In Sanity,


|-----Original Message-----
|From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu [mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
|Behalf Of Andrew Dunn
|I'ts an intranet app, so there is no problems with that. I don't
|really want
|the forms to multi-submit I only want one to submit at a time. I have added
|a submit button to each and that works well, but I can't submit via code.
|-----Original Message-----
|From: Peter Brunone [mailto:peter at brunone.com]
|	This may be a dumb question, but have you tried removing the
|visibility criteria to see if the forms will multi-submit at all?
|	Also, is this an internet or intranet site?  If the former, then you
|may run into problems if vital functions depend on the viability of client
|scripting (you've probably already thought this through, but just in case,
|there it is).
||-----Original Message-----
||From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu
||[mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
||Behalf Of Andrew Dunn
||The forms are each aimed at a different page, here is a tag from one:
||<form method=post action="script_pages/new_ef_script.asp" name=efs
||Here also is a <a> tag that when clicked will call the form to submit,
||I have images simulating tabs (like on a windows application)
||window.status='EF Member Information'" href="javascript:void(0)">
||<img border="0" src="images/buttons/ef_tab.jpg">
||I really don't know why it won't submit, it's a bit strange.
||-----Original Message-----
||From: Peter Brunone [mailto:peter at brunone.com]
||	I could be wrong, but once you submit a form which targets the
||page, don't you lose control of that page?  You might have to aim the
||form somewhere else (either another frame or another window).
|||-----Original Message-----
|||From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu
|||[mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
|||Behalf Of Andrew Dunn
|||Hi there,
|||I have 5 forms on one page when I try to submit the first form
|||(form[0]), it's ok and the form submits, but when I try to submit
|||another form (eg
|||form[2]) it doesn't appear that the form does anything and certainly
|||doesn't put anything in to the database.
|||Some code is below (see line with ***) the condition on submitting a
|||form is the visibility of a div, as I have a few div's which appear as
|||if (eval("visible_1.style.visibility == 'visible'")) {
|||			//submit personal info (including notes)
|||			document.forms[0].submit();
|||		}
|||		else if (eval("visible_2.style.visibility == 'visible'")) {
|||			//submit personal info (including notes)
|||			document.forms[0].submit();
|||		}
|||		else if (eval("visible_3.style.visibility == 'visible'")) {
|||			alert("enquiry");
|||		}
|||		else if (eval("visible_4.style.visibility == 'visible'")) {
|||			//***
|||			document.forms[2].submit();
|||		}
|||		else if (eval("visible_5.style.visibility == 'visible'")) {
|||			alert("deposit");
|||		}
|||		else if (eval("visible_6.style.visibility == 'visible'")) {
|||			alert("resident");
|||		}
|||Would anyone know why this form would not submit?

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