[Javascript] Changing the Font Size in an Alert box.

Steve extstarrfam at cox-internet.com
Wed Mar 27 01:42:39 CST 2002

I've tried a lot of thing so as to change the font size
of an Alert box and got some strange results but I did
not succeed.  How do you change the font size of an
alert box?  Here is the code I working on:
<head><title>Decimal to Binary</title>
<script language="JavaScript1.3"
// Declare Global variable
var iNumber = 0;
var Quot = 0;
var Remainder = 0;
var Result = 0;
var stringBinary = new String(); // Creating a string
function convertDecimal(iNumber) {
 for(var i = 1; i <= 32; i++) {
  //if (iNumber == 0) { //Use this to elimate extra
  Remainder = iNumber % 2;
   // Exp: 1 = 9 % 2
  iNumber = (iNumber - Remainder) / 2;
   // Exp: 4 = (9 - 1) / 2
  if(Remainder == 0) {
   stringBinary =  "0" + stringBinary;
   // The new binary number is con-
   // cantanated to the left side of the
   // string.
  if(Remainder == 1) {
   stringBinary =  "1" + stringBinary;
 }  // This closes the For...Next loop
}  // This closes the function

function processEntry(iNumber) {
 iNumber = document.entryForm.numEntry.value
 if(iNumber == 0) {
  alert("A zero entry is not allow.");
 } else {
  convertDecimal(iNumber);  // This passes the value of
x to iNumber
  alert("The binary equivalent is: " + stringBinary);

// -->
<form name="entryForm">
<p>Enty a number no more than 5 digits in length:
&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="numEntry" size="5"
maxlength="5" style="text-align: right;">&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="submit" name="process" value="Process"

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