[Javascript] Retrieving cookies and redirecting to another page

Phillip Morgan pmorgan at qpbd999.quickpages.net.au
Thu May 2 11:25:33 CDT 2002


I would like to grab part of a URL and write it to a cookie. Then go to 
another page.

Eg. the incoming url might be http://www.yourdomain.com/12345678

I want to grab the 12345678 and write that to a cookie, then I want to 
redirect the client to the main index.html page (equivelant of 

Or would the javascript to do this have to be on the index.html page, 
and the call the new page be to (eg), index2.html?

I then want to read the cookie back later on a web page with a form and 
place the value (12345678), into a formfield called 'referrer'

How would I do all this? There are no frames involved.


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