[Javascript] radio button, check box check all or none

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Fri May 10 17:51:58 CDT 2002

Yeah, that probably bears some clarification; thanks, Scott, for bringing it

    If by ID he means NAME attribute, then my function will work.  If he
means VALUE attribute, then no, there's no easy way to blanket-check, all of
them.  If he actually means ID, then... well, I've not seen a situation
where ID is necessary for form elements, but issue them a common NAME as
well and you should be fine.

Let me know if you (not Scott) still have questions or problems.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu [mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
Behalf Of SnarfLT at aol.com
  Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 5:29 PM
  To: javascript at LaTech.edu
  Subject: [Javascript] radio button, check box check all or none

  I believe he's wanting to set all checkboxes with a single ID for all
elements.  This is not possible.  You can use an ID for only one element on
a webpage..  So in order to use Peter's suggestion you'll need to set each
to have a different id.

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