[Javascript] How to disable entire page when busy?

J. Lester Novros II lester at denhaag.org
Mon May 20 11:13:11 CDT 2002

Dear Alexander,

On 05/20/2002 05:53 AM, Alexander Yap wrote:
> Does anyone know how to easily disable a page such that it doesn't accept 
> user input (and preferably also grey out the page if possible)?


> I need to support IE5+ and Netscape 6.2, so I can't rely on Netscape's 
> captureEvents() either.

Try using style settings of 'background-color: black;' and '-moz-opacity: .15;' 
  on the 'huge DIV'. The opacity thing is a Mozilla addition to the CSS spec 
they needed for their chrome stuff. The combination of the bgColor and the .15 
value should give you a partly transparent DIV which sort of 'grays out' the 
underlying page. I'm fairly sure Mozilla 0.9.4 [on which Netscape is based] 
supports it.

m$ has a similar kind of thing for xPloder called an 'alpha filter', more info 
to be found here:


I assume this capacity is built in and not some sort of plug-in, which would 
rather defeat its purpose.

If you combine this with statements which set 'window.onkeypress' and 
'window.onclick' to point to a function which cancels the event and returns 
nothing, you should be home free, i.e. 'window.onkeypress = keypressHandler;' 
where 'keypressHandler' would be something like 'function keypressHandler(e) { 
e.stopPropagation(); return; }'. For xPloder the 'e.stopPropagation()' 
equivalent would be something like 'window.event.returnValue = false' if I'm not 

Be sure to restore mouse and keyboard input when you're done by setting the 
click and keypress handlers to a 'null' value [i.e. 'window.onclick = null;'].

I tested this on Mozilla 1.0rc2 and it works fine. I'm afraid I can't check 
xPloder since I'm running Linux.

Hope this helps anyway.

l8R lES
Attacks by Bill Gates on the General Public License have been driven by the fear
that the GPL creates a domain of software that m$ cannot privatize and control.
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