[Javascript] scrolling divs

Cutter Bl cutterbl at hotmail.com
Tue May 21 07:20:16 CDT 2002

If this were an IE solution only I might suggest an inline frame <iframe>. I 
don't know much about scrolling Divs, but I can tell you that NN 4.x and 
lower don't seem to like them very much (and give you almost no control.)


----Original Message Follows----
From: Andrew Dunn <andrew at d2k.com.au>
Reply-To: javascript at LaTech.edu
To: "'javascript at LaTech.edu'" <javascript at LaTech.edu>
Subject: [Javascript] scrolling divs
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 21:58:41 +1000

anyone have any ideas which browsers support scrolling divs (layers), I have
a site (http://d2kmail.no-ip.com/qcbricks/template.htm) that i wish to use
scrolling for just one section (the white section)? I'm not sure how to do
it. I could use frames but the pic on the left is a random pic and usign
frames might defeat the purpose of this a bit.

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