[Javascript] hiermenus

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Tue May 21 14:48:19 CDT 2002

	Just for the record, IE 5.5 allows you to treat IFRAMES as DHTML elements
in every way, i.e. "document.all.myIframename.style.left='20px'".  This is
different from earlier browser versions in that it does not require an extra
instance of the browser (performance gain), and that you can now adjust
IFRAME properties as if they were DIV tags.
	Of course it's not retroactive, but what cool new browser innovation is?

My 0.02...


|-----Original Message-----
|From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu [mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
|Behalf Of Amanda Birmingham
|Last time I checked (about a year ago), you couldn't overlay
|frames.  HOWEVER, the spec does allow you to overlay IFRAMES using the
|z-index property.  I remember doing a proof of concept and
|determining that
|this was supported in IE5.5 but not earlier; I didn't test netscape at all.
|HTH; good luck.
|At 02:19 PM 5/21/2002 -0400, you wrote:
|>I'm using the hiermenus in my application. I have two frames and my top
|>navigation has the dropdown menus.
|>The top frame is only 60 pixels in height but when I move the cursor over
|>the link the popup menu stays within that frame.
|>Is there a way with v4.1.1. to have the dropdown menu "overlay"
|the frames?

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