[Javascript] Text range object

Andrew Gibson andyg at ihug.co.nz
Wed May 22 04:55:24 CDT 2002

I'm trying to replace the HTML code in a text range

say I select some text   "<b>test</b>"

// this selects the range
var r=document.selection.createRange()

// this can delete the text in the range

but leaves the html portion as "<b></b>"

I gather r.textHTML is a read only property so I can't change it that way!

I wan to be able to remove  or edit the html portion


"<b>text</b>"  >>  "text"

I know I can do this through something like this

document.execCommand("Bold") which toggles the <b> on and off

but on some other commands, it throws in some unwanted <P>  which mucks up
the display!


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