[Javascript] innerwidth

J. Lester Novros II lester at denhaag.org
Fri May 24 06:41:30 CDT 2002

Dear Andrew,

On 05/24/2002 04:57 AM, Andrew Dunn wrote:
> I have tried this code but it says "innerHeight is undefined", I forgot to
> mention that this window is a frame would this make any difference?

Hm... That's weird. One always has a browser window so there should always be an 
'innerHeight' defined somewhere. However, try using a reference to 
'self.innerHeight' or even 'top.framename.innerHeight' and see if that works.

As a last resort you could consider using a 'for x in obj alert (obj.x);' 
construct to iterate over all the frame's properties to see where the browser 
thinks 'innerHeight' sits in the object hierarchy.

l8R lES
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