[Javascript] Return to previous window

EVA.KAESER at Allianz.de EVA.KAESER at Allianz.de
Mon May 27 06:31:00 CDT 2002

--- Erhalten von  L.LS91KAE 1021-1885               27.05.02 13.31


Dear all,

I have a question concerning window communication.

Clicking on a link, a new window opens. But then I want to make it
possible that you return to the old window when clicking on a link
in the new window. I don't need to exchange any more data between
the windows. The second window is just there to run an application
separately from the first one. But sometimes the application
contains a link to our intranet which is in the first window. And
as I don't want to open a third window it would be useful to just
return to the first one. Can anybody help?

Thanx a lot,

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