[Javascript] Place 'random' into a script call

Greg Krieser greg at krieser.com
Tue May 28 22:26:06 CDT 2002

Is it possibe to use a number generated in one Javascript area and place it in another?  Here is what I'd like to do.  Across a site I'd like to call a perl script using this Javascript command.  That works fine and gives me the results I like. 

<script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>

However, I'd like 999 to be a random number each time the page is loaded, i.e. :

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> 
random = parseInt(Math.random()*1000) 

Is it possible to use random in place of the 999 when the script is called?



P.S.  I'm attempting to adapt a banner script to allow flash ads as well as gif and jpg.  The beauty of using JavaScript is that a new random ad is displayed when visitors returns to the page or uses the back button.  Whereas other call methods (and therefore random methods) will simply return the cached image. 

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