[Javascript] (no subject)

Mark.Drozd at walgreens.com Mark.Drozd at walgreens.com
Wed May 29 10:01:54 CDT 2002

Hello everyone,

I have a situation where users are dialed into a remote PC and emulating
that remote PC's  desktop applications (they are using remote application
software such as Carbon Copy, Citrix, and/or Shiva).

 I am running into a problem where my application is trying to retrieve a
cookie from the users computer but the value I get back is not from the
users local PC (which is what I want) but rather from the remote PC they
are dialed into and emulating.

I need to be able to return a value (cookie) from the users local PC to my
application which will uniquely identify them. Can anyone tell me how to go
about using Javascript to retrieve information off the users **local** hard
drive (not the server they are dialed into) and pass that value back to my

P.S. The cookie I am trying to retrieve will be placed there by another
application and never expire.

Thank you,


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