[Javascript] Doubly-indirected function declaration

Roland Neilands rneilands at pulsemining.com.au
Thu Aug 7 16:52:54 CDT 2003


> Let me recapitulate --
>      function yada-yada(blah, time) {
>        stuff_happens_here;
>     }
>     myObject.onclick = function anonymous(){yada-yada(myBlah, Now)}
> Obviously "Now" is the time at which the code is loaded -- and
> NOT when the
> click event takes place.  How do I
> modify the code in such a fashion that the snapshot values "myBlah" and
> "Now" get put into the onclick definition, rather than
> whatever conditions prevail at the time of the click event?

You're creating the table when the code is loaded? Add an element/attribute
then & get the value for the function call perhaps.


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