[Javascript] How to test existence of a window BUT NOT create it

David T. Lovering dlovering at gazos.com
Mon Jul 14 00:40:36 CDT 2003

I may be completely off-base on this, but since a window is an ordinary DOM object, it might be possible to
simply do an "if" check, thusly:

  if (!win) {
    // do whatever you'd do if the window wasn't there
  } else {
    // do whatever you'd do if it was

where "win" is the window ID you presume MIGHT be there.  I've used this approach in several code modules,
and so far nothing has blown up.  [Might you, under JScript the rules for testing window existence are slightly
different, so this approach may lack universality].  Also, I believe it is still possible to "walk-the-tree" of
the object thread, thereby discovering which window objects are in place -- including ones behind the active pane
or placed outside the viewable window space.

-- Dave Lovering

Stevel Lintz wrote:
>    Part 1.1.1    Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
>              Encoding: quoted-printable
>    Part 1.2    Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
>            Encoding: 7bit
Given the (string) name of a window, how can I test if it's open without
also causing it to be created (if it's not previously extant)?  The only way
I know to obtain a reference to a window is by using window.open() - but
this will always create the window if it doesn't currently exist, which is
what I need to avoid.




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