[Javascript] Integer and String

Flavio Gomes flavio at economisa.com.br
Mon Apr 26 09:12:26 CDT 2004

People, I'd like an opnion about the loop I created:

I pass "form" (an actual form object) as an argument to a function that loops over this form's inputs and validates them:

function validateForm(objForm)
  error_message = "";
  focus_id      = "";

  for (x = 0; objForm[x]; x++)
    name = (objForm[x].name)?objForm[x].name:"";
    switch (name)
      case "id_number":
      if(!objForm[x].value)  //if value wasnt informed
        error_message += "* \"ID Number\" must be informed\n";
        if(!focus_id) { focus_id = x; } //if "focus_id" isnt set, then store it
      case "member_name":
      if(!objForm[x].value)  //if value wasnt informed
        error_message += "* \"Member Name\" must be informed\n";
        if(!focus_id) { focus_id = x; } //if "focus_id" isnt set, then store it

  if(error_message != "")
    objForm[focus_id].focus(); //Focus the input whose focus_id was stored
    return false;

Now you ask me: "Ok, and what's the problem":

  In the line where I commented "if(!focus_id) { focus_id = x; }" the "x" for "id_number" is "0" and even if I store it, on the next check "if(!focus_id)" it returns true and set the "focus_id" to the next input...
  The nearest to solution that I found was this:  "if(focus_id.toString() != parseInt(focus_id));", and that's what I'd like to hear suggestions on.

Thanks in advance,

Flavio Gomes
flavio at economisa.com.br
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