[Javascript] .match() method

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Mon Aug 2 21:20:05 CDT 2004


	I've never tried this before, but the documentation at 


says this:

"If the global flag (g) is not set, Element zero of the array contains
the entire match..."

	Basically, it looks like when this flag is not set, you only get
the first occurrence.  FYI, this method is meant to be used with a
regular expression (or string containing regex pattern and flags) as the
search criterion.

	Anyway, you can read up at the link above and see if it helps.


Peter Brunone
Do the impossible.
Go home early.


-----Original Message-----
From: javascript-bounces at LaTech.edu
[mailto:javascript-bounces at LaTech.edu] On Behalf Of Clancy Jones

Hi, I haven't used the match() method before but am trying to use it in 
conjunction with the length property to find out how many instances of a

substring are contained within a string.

I grabbed this example from my Google search:

<script language="JavaScript">
var s = "Tony was here. Not Bob, Tony's brother, but Tony himself."; var
occur = s.match("Tony"); document.write(occur.length); </script>

The site listing the above said the output should be 3 but I get 1.  I
using IE6.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks a lot,

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