[Javascript] Regarding the [IE]

Roger Roelofs rer at datacompusa.com
Tue Aug 10 12:59:12 CDT 2004

Hassan & Sal,

On Aug 10, 2004, at 12:16 PM, Hassan Schroeder wrote:

> Sal Perconte wrote:
>> But, I look at a lot of other people's
>> code and really have not seen this in
>> wide use. Is there a reason for this ?
> Mmm. That's a good question; personally I can't recall too many
> situations where that was the solution to a problem :-)
> I imagine if you were developing in an IE-only intranet environment
> you might find it more useful.
> Perhaps someone else has example applications...

I've only seen it routinely used to feed different css to ie to get 
around its many rendering bugs.

I used it once to encapsulate a script that only needed to run in ie 
before printing to get around a printing bug.

There are other ways to do an ie browser detect, but the conditional 
comments are convenient for ie because they are a supported way to 
target ie that other browsers ignore.  I'm guessing it was the 
mechanism Microsoft intended you to use to make pages better in ie than 
other browsers.  Unfortuantely for Microsoft I only ever see these 
conditional comments being used to get around ie browser bugs... so 
much for leading the web :)

Roger Roelofs                 web   www.datacompusa.com
Datacomp Appraisal Services   web   www.mhvillage.com
3215 Eaglecrest Drive, NE     Email rer at datacompusa.com
Grand Rapids, MI  49525-4593 

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