[Javascript] Bizarre IE behaviour.

Matt Barton javascript at mattbarton.org
Thu Aug 12 11:21:30 CDT 2004

This is probably me being fantastically short sighted, but I've noticed
behaviour in IE this afternoon which was wholey unexpected, and also plain
wrong ("so tell us something new", say the open source fraternity).

This is the situation.  I have a very simple page:

   var strDay = '09';
   var strMonth = '06';
   var strYear = '2004';
   alert (strDay);
   alert (strMonth);
   alert (strYear);

   var intDay = parseInt (strDay);
   var intMonth = parseInt (strMonth);
   var intYear = parseInt (strYear);
   alert (intDay);
   alert (intMonth);
   alert (intYear);


When it loads I would expect to see six consecutive alert boxes containing,
in order, the following strings: "09", "06", "2004", "9", "6", "2004".

However, in IE6/Win (on two separate machines in my office) the fourth alert
box contains "0".

Does anyone else see this behaviour?  Tell me I'm not going mad ...

Oh - I've tested it on Opera (the only other browser I have immediate access
to without installing another) and it works exactly as I would expect it to.


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