[Javascript] Convert raw HTML into a string

Clancy Jones clancyjones at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 19 17:27:00 CDT 2004

Howdy neighbours, I have a vb script function that I use for converting raw 
HTML into a string:

function convertHTMLToString(paramHTML)
	dim lvstrHTML
	lvstrHTML = paramHTML
	lvstrHTML = replace(lvstrHTML,chr(34),chr(34)&chr(34))
	lvstrHTML = replace(lvstrHTML,""",chr(34)&chr(34))
	lvstrHTML = replace(lvstrHTML,vbCrLf,chr(34) &" & vbNewLine & _" & vbCrLf & 
	lvstrHTML = chr(34) & lvstrHTML & chr(34)
	convertHTMLToString = lvstrHTML
end function

I now want to replicate this function in javascript but am having a few 
problems.  So far I've tried:

function convertHTMLToString(paramHTML){
	var lvstrHTML
	lvstrHTML = paramHTML
	lvstrHTML = lvstrHTML.replace(chr(34),chr(34)+chr(34))
	lvstrHTML = lvstrHTML.replace(""",chr(34)+chr(34))
	return lvstrHTML

The first "replace" line is causing an "object expected" error.

Can someone help out with this?



PS: The purpose of this is to provide a "Send this spreadsheet by email" 
function by grabbing the innerHTML of a DIV which contains dynamic table 
data, convert the raw HTML into a string and then assign it as the value of 
a hidden field.  The string can then be used as the content for an HTML 
formatted email message.

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