[Javascript] Multi-Layer Positioning

Matt Barton javascript at mattbarton.org
Fri Feb 6 03:10:05 CST 2004


This is actually quite simple, but took me ages to learn the correct
technique.  Imagine that this is your html specifying the two buttons and
two sets of details:

<!-- START -->
            <img src="button1" onClick="fToggle(1)">
        <td id="details_1" style="display: none">
            Details 1... Pom, pom, pom, tiddly
            <img src="button2" onClick="fToggle(2)">
        <td id="details_2" style="display: none">
            Details 2... Tiddly pom, tiddly pom, tiddly pom, pom, pom
<!-- END -->

Specifying the two table cells details_1 and details_2 with the css
attribute "display: none" will mean that they are not shown, and don't take
up any space on the screen.

So, all you now need is a javascript function to handle the display of the
details cells:

// ------
function fToggle (iDetailsNumber) {
    oDetailsCell = document.getElementById ("details_" + iDetailsNumber);

    if (oDetailsCell.style.display == "none") {
        oDetailsCell.style.display = "";
    } else {
        oDetailsCell.style.display = "none";
// ------

And that should do it.  I've tested that in IE6/Win, but I'm not aware that
it should pose any cross-browser issues.  I'm not in a position to test on
any other platforms, so if it doesn't work on your platform then it might
need tickling up.



> Initial Layout
> ButtonImage1 faq1
> ButtonImage2 faq2
> When ButtonImage1 is clicked the display should be:
> ButtonImage1 faq1
> details1
> ButtonImage2 faq2
> When ButtonImage2 is clicked
> ButtonImage1 faq1
> details1
> ButtonImage2 faq2
> details2
> Now When ButtonImage1 is clicked again
> ButtonImage1 faq1
> ButtonImage2 faq2
> details2

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