[Javascript] Javascript read out EXIF data

Paul Novitski javascriptlist at dandemutande.org
Mon Feb 9 17:40:11 CST 2004


I don't know if this will help, but attached is a COM written in C by 
Thomas G. Lane that parses JPEG headers.  One of the things I keep meaning 
to do in my Copious Spare Time is to rewrite this in VBscript so my ASP 
applications can find out the dimensions of an image file to supply exact 
height & width for img tags.

I don't know how to read JPEG headers in Javascript, since Javascript runs 
on the client and, for most net applications, the image files reside on one 
server or another.  Could the server feed the JPEG binary stream to an HTML 
document element for Javascript to see?  Hmm...


At 02:05 PM 2/9/2004, you wrote:
>it is possible to read out the EXIF or IPTC data out of a jpg file with 
>thanks for a feedback
-------------- next part --------------
' rdjpgcom.c
' Copyright (C) 1994-1997, Thomas G. Lane.
' This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
' For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
' This file contains a very simple stand-alone application that displays
' the text in COM (comment) markers in a JFIF file.
 ' This may be useful as an example of the minimum logic needed to parse
 ' JPEG markers.

' Return next input byte, or EOF if no more
function NEXTBYTE()


end function

' Error exit handler
sub ERREXIT(msg)
debug.print msg

end sub

' Read one byte, testing for EOF
function read_1_byte ()
dim c as byte

on error resume next
	if Err<>0 then
		ERREXIT("Premature EOF in JPEG file")
	end if
return c
end function

' Read 2 bytes, convert to unsigned int
' All 2-byte quantities in JPEG markers are MSB first
static unsigned int
function read_2_bytes (void)
  int c1, c2

  c1 = NEXTBYTE()
  if (c1 = EOF)
    ERREXIT("Premature EOF in JPEG file")
  c2 = NEXTBYTE()
  if (c2 = EOF)
    ERREXIT("Premature EOF in JPEG file")
  return (((unsigned int) c1) << 8) + ((unsigned int) c2)
end function

 * JPEG markers consist of one or more 0xFF bytes, followed by a marker
 * code byte (which is not an FF).  Here are the marker codes of interest
 * in this program.  (See jdmarker.c for a more complete list.)

#define M_SOF0  0xC0		' Start Of Frame N
#define M_SOF1  0xC1		' N indicates which compression process
#define M_SOF2  0xC2		' Only SOF0-SOF2 are now in common use
#define M_SOF3  0xC3
#define M_SOF5  0xC5		' NB: codes C4 and CC are NOT SOF markers
#define M_SOF6  0xC6
#define M_SOF7  0xC7
#define M_SOF9  0xC9
#define M_SOF10 0xCA
#define M_SOF11 0xCB
#define M_SOF13 0xCD
#define M_SOF14 0xCE
#define M_SOF15 0xCF
#define M_SOI   0xD8		' Start Of Image (beginning of datastream)
#define M_EOI   0xD9		' End Of Image (end of datastream)
#define M_SOS   0xDA		' Start Of Scan (begins compressed data)
#define M_APP0	0xE0		' Application-specific marker, type N
#define M_APP12	0xEC		' (we don't bother to list all 16 APPn's)
#define M_COM   0xFE		' COMment

 * Find the next JPEG marker and return its marker code.
 * We expect at least one FF byte, possibly more if the compressor used FFs
 * to pad the file.
 * There could also be non-FF garbage between markers.  The treatment of such
 * garbage is unspecified we choose to skip over it but emit a warning msg.
 * NB: this routine must not be used after seeing SOS marker, since it will
 * not deal correctly with FF/00 sequences in the compressed image data...

static int
function next_marker (void)

  int c
  int discarded_bytes = 0

  ' Find 0xFF byte count and skip any non-FFs.
  c = read_1_byte()
  while (c != 0xFF) {
    c = read_1_byte()

  ' Get marker code byte, swallowing any duplicate FF bytes.  Extra FFs
   * are legal as pad bytes, so don't count them in discarded_bytes.
  do {
    c = read_1_byte()
  } while (c = 0xFF)

  if (discarded_bytes != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Warning: garbage data found in JPEG file\n")

  return c
end function

 * Read the initial marker, which should be SOI.
 * For a JFIF file, the first two bytes of the file should be literally
 * 0xFF M_SOI.  To be more general, we could use next_marker, but if the
 * input file weren't actually JPEG at all, next_marker might read the whole
 * file and then return a misleading error message...

static int
function first_marker (void)

  int c1, c2

  c1 = NEXTBYTE()
  c2 = NEXTBYTE()
  if (c1 != 0xFF || c2 != M_SOI)
    ERREXIT("Not a JPEG file")
  return c2
end function

 * Most types of marker are followed by a variable-length parameter segment.
 * This routine skips over the parameters for any marker we don't otherwise
 * want to process.
 * Note that we MUST skip the parameter segment explicitly in order not to
 * be fooled by 0xFF bytes that might appear within the parameter segment
 * such bytes do NOT introduce new markers.

static void
function skip_variable (void)
' Skip over an unknown or uninteresting variable-length marker
  unsigned int length

  ' Get the marker parameter length count
  length = read_2_bytes()
  ' Length includes itself, so must be at least 2
  if (length < 2)
    ERREXIT("Erroneous JPEG marker length")
  length -= 2
  ' Skip over the remaining bytes
  while (length > 0) {
    (void) read_1_byte()
  end function

 * Process a COM marker.
 * We want to print out the marker contents as legible text
 * we must guard against non-text junk and varying newline representations.

static void
function process_COM (void)
  unsigned int length
  int ch
  int lastch = 0

  ' Get the marker parameter length count
  length = read_2_bytes()
  ' Length includes itself, so must be at least 2
  if (length < 2)
    ERREXIT("Erroneous JPEG marker length")
  length -= 2

  while (length > 0) {
    ch = read_1_byte()
    ' Emit the character in a readable form.
     * Nonprintables are converted to \nnn form,
     * while \ is converted to \\.
     * Newlines in CR, CR/LF, or LF form will be printed as one newline.
    if (ch = '\r') {
    } else if (ch = '\n') {
      if (lastch != '\r')
    } else if (ch = '\\') {
    } else if (isprint(ch)) {
      putc(ch, stdout)
    } else {
      printf("\\%03o", ch)
    lastch = ch
end function

 * Process a SOFn marker.
 * This code is only needed if you want to know the image dimensions...

static void
function process_SOFn (int marker)

  unsigned int length
  unsigned int image_height, image_width
  int data_precision, num_components
  const char * process
  int ci

  length = read_2_bytes()	' usual parameter length count

  data_precision = read_1_byte()
  image_height = read_2_bytes()
  image_width = read_2_bytes()
  num_components = read_1_byte()

  switch (marker) {
  case M_SOF0:	process = "Baseline"  break
  case M_SOF1:	process = "Extended sequential"  break
  case M_SOF2:	process = "Progressive"  break
  case M_SOF3:	process = "Lossless"  break
  case M_SOF5:	process = "Differential sequential"  break
  case M_SOF6:	process = "Differential progressive"  break
  case M_SOF7:	process = "Differential lossless"  break
  case M_SOF9:	process = "Extended sequential, arithmetic coding"  break
  case M_SOF10:	process = "Progressive, arithmetic coding"  break
  case M_SOF11:	process = "Lossless, arithmetic coding"  break
  case M_SOF13:	process = "Differential sequential, arithmetic coding"  break
  case M_SOF14:	process = "Differential progressive, arithmetic coding" break
  case M_SOF15:	process = "Differential lossless, arithmetic coding"  break
  default:	process = "Unknown"  break

  printf("JPEG image is %uw * %uh, %d color components, %d bits per sample\n",
	 image_width, image_height, num_components, data_precision)
  printf("JPEG process: %s\n", process)

  if (length != (unsigned int) (8 + num_components * 3))
    ERREXIT("Bogus SOF marker length")

  for (ci = 0 ci < num_components ci++) {
    (void) read_1_byte()	' Component ID code
    (void) read_1_byte()	' H, V sampling factors
    (void) read_1_byte()	' Quantization table number
end function

 * Parse the marker stream until SOS or EOI is seen
 * display any COM markers.
 * While the companion program wrjpgcom will always insert COM markers before
 * SOFn, other implementations might not, so we scan to SOS before stopping.
 * If we were only interested in the image dimensions, we would stop at SOFn.
 * (Conversely, if we only cared about COM markers, there would be no need
 * for special code to handle SOFn we could treat it like other markers.)

static int
function scan_JPEG_header (int verbose)

  int marker

  ' Expect SOI at start of file
  if (first_marker() != M_SOI)
    ERREXIT("Expected SOI marker first")

  ' Scan miscellaneous markers until we reach SOS.
  for () {
    marker = next_marker()
    switch (marker) {
      ' Note that marker codes 0xC4, 0xC8, 0xCC are not, and must not be,
       * treated as SOFn.  C4 in particular is actually DHT.
    case M_SOF0:		' Baseline
    case M_SOF1:		' Extended sequential, Huffman
    case M_SOF2:		' Progressive, Huffman
    case M_SOF3:		' Lossless, Huffman
    case M_SOF5:		' Differential sequential, Huffman
    case M_SOF6:		' Differential progressive, Huffman
    case M_SOF7:		' Differential lossless, Huffman
    case M_SOF9:		' Extended sequential, arithmetic
    case M_SOF10:		' Progressive, arithmetic
    case M_SOF11:		' Lossless, arithmetic
    case M_SOF13:		' Differential sequential, arithmetic
    case M_SOF14:		' Differential progressive, arithmetic
    case M_SOF15:		' Differential lossless, arithmetic
      if (verbose)

    case M_SOS:			' stop before hitting compressed data
      return marker

    case M_EOI:			' in case it's a tables-only JPEG stream
      return marker

    case M_COM:

    case M_APP12:
      ' Some digital camera makers put useful textual information into
       * APP12 markers, so we print those out too when in -verbose mode.
      if (verbose) {
	printf("APP12 contains:\n")
      } else

    default:			' Anything else just gets skipped
      skip_variable()		' we assume it has a parameter count...
  } ' end loop
end function

' Command line parsing code

static const char * progname	' program name for error messages

static void
function usage (void)
' complain about bad command line
  fprintf(stderr, "rdjpgcom displays any textual comments in a JPEG file.\n")

  fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [switches] [inputfile]\n", progname)

  fprintf(stderr, "Switches (names may be abbreviated):\n")
  fprintf(stderr, "  -verbose    Also display dimensions of JPEG image\n")

end function

static int
function keymatch (char * arg, const char * keyword, int minchars)
' Case-insensitive matching of (possibly abbreviated) keyword switches.
' keyword is the constant keyword (must be lower case already),
' minchars is length of minimum legal abbreviation.
  register int ca, ck
  register int nmatched = 0

  while ((ca = *arg++) != '\0') {
    if ((ck = *keyword++) = '\0')
      return 0			' arg longer than keyword, no good
    if (isupper(ca))		' force arg to lcase (assume ck is already)
      ca = tolower(ca)
    if (ca != ck)
      return 0			' no good
    nmatched++			' count matched characters
  ' reached end of argument fail if it's too short for unique abbrev
  if (nmatched < minchars)
    return 0
  return 1			' A-OK
end function

 * The main program.

function main (int argc, char **argv)

  int argn
  char * arg
  int verbose = 0

  ' On Mac, fetch a command line.
  argc = ccommand(&argv)

  progname = argv[0]
  if (progname = NULL || progname[0] = 0)
    progname = "rdjpgcom"	' in case C library doesn't provide it

  ' Parse switches, if any
  for (argn = 1 argn < argc argn++) {
    arg = argv[argn]
    if (arg[0] != '-')
      break			' not switch, must be file name
    arg++			' advance over '-'
    if (keymatch(arg, "verbose", 1)) {
    } else

  ' Open the input file.
  ' Unix style: expect zero or one file name
  if (argn < argc-1) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: only one input file\n", progname)
  if (argn < argc) {
    if ((infile = fopen(argv[argn], READ_BINARY)) = NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open %s\n", progname, argv[argn])
  } else {
    ' default input file is stdin
#ifdef USE_SETMODE		' need to hack file mode?
    setmode(fileno(stdin), O_BINARY)
#ifdef USE_FDOPEN		' need to re-open in binary mode?
    if ((infile = fdopen(fileno(stdin), READ_BINARY)) = NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open stdin\n", progname)
    infile = stdin

  ' Scan the JPEG headers.
  (void) scan_JPEG_header(verbose)

  ' All done.
  return 0			' suppress no-return-value warnings
end function

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