[Javascript] Null Parent

tsterlin at email.arizona.edu tsterlin at email.arizona.edu
Thu Jul 8 18:38:13 CDT 2004

I am dynamically building a page into a frame called browserFrame which is
built when another page called Group.html loads.  I am attempting to add a pop
up box link to this dynamically built page.  It's nearly impossible to follow
this description so here is the code for Group.html:

  <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
    function setLinks() {
      var newPage = "<html>"
      newPage += "<LINK REL='Stylesheet' HREF='ASLAV.css' TYPE='text/css'/>"
      newPage += "<SCRIP"
      newPage += "T LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>"
      newPage += "function popUp(){"
      newPage += "window.open    ('Ch2Alerts.html', 'AlertWindow',
      newPage += "} popUp();</S"
      newPage += "CRIPT>"
      newPage += "<table align='center'><tr><td>"
      newPage += "<a href='Maingrp3.html' target='docFrame'>"
      newPage += "\n<p class='back'>Back</p></a></td>"
      newPage += "<td><a href='Group2.html' target='docFrame'>"
      newPage += "\n<p class='next'>Next</p></a></td>"
      newPage += "<td>"
      newPage += "<a href='javascript:popUp()'>"
      newPage += "<p class='alert'>"
      newPage += "Alerts</p>"
      newPage += "</a>"
      newPage += "</td>"
      newPage += "</tr></table>"
      newPage += "</html>"

  <body onLoad="setLinks()">
    <DIV class="body">
      Some verbage for the group page.

  So essentially what I want is this newPage to open up in browserFrame each
time Group.html loads.  Then I want the 'Alerts' on newPage to link to a pop-up
box.  All works well except I'm getting a Runtime error every time I click on
the Alerts link and the pop-up box appears; it says this:  "Error:
'parent.browserFrame.document' is null or not an object".

Strangely enough, before I added the pop-up box functionality and had the
newPage appearing in a normal frame everything worked fine with no Runtime

Any insight would be greatly appreciated,

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