[Javascript] server-side:client-side workload ratio

Paul Novitski paul at dandemutande.org
Sun Mar 21 12:51:24 CST 2004


As my client-side scripts become capable of performing more complex tasks, 
I'm left wondering how I should split the workload between my server-side 
scripts and my client-side scripts.  What fundamental characteristics of 
the page-rendering process naturally argue for placement above or 
below?  If you've given this some thought and have come up with some 
conclusions that work for you, please share them.

(For this musing I'm considering "hand-crafted" scripts such as VBscript, 
PHP, and Javascript, bypassing the .Net programming environment that can 
handle most of the server/client side issues as one integrated process.)

My initial inclination is to give server-side scripts most of the 
application-specific work and give client-side scripts more generic tasks 
that I can re-use more often, although I don't have a rigorous argument for 
that yet.

One area that seems clear concerns download time.  Especially in a era when 
so many users are on slow connections, it would behoove us to minimize the 
size of downloaded pages without sacrificing the complexity of the user 

Consider an application that reads a dataset and downloads it to the 
browser for display or editing.  The data need to be massaged before 
presentation in the browser: some fields made into hyperlinks, others 
reformatted, concatenated, or converted for user friendliness.

Because it's the server-side script's responsibility to read the dataset in 
the first place, I'm inclined to give it the job of initial reformatting:
	- selected the desired columns;
	- performing the initial record sort;
	- performing data conversions (enforcing date & time formats, replacing 
code values with human language words, concatenating fields, etc.);

... and give the client-side script the work that pertains to the details 
of the user interface:
	- assigning CSS classes & styles;
	- assigning GUI events & hyperlinks;
	- inserting the data grid in the page and organizing its structure, e.g. 
separating the field name row from the data rows to enable a scrolling 
dataset with fixed heads.

For fast response time, I'm inclined to keep the size of the downloaded 
page small and add any necessary redundant bulk with the client-side 
script.  For instance, the server-side script could dictate the CSS classes 
of each data column in a single row, and the client-side script could 
assign these to every data row in body onLoad(), resulting in a slim 
download and a fat result.

The server-side script could generate Javascript such as:

var aFieldNames = new Array("Date","Contact","Email");
var aRowClasses = new Array("cssFldDate","cssFldContact","cssFldEmail");
var aRowLinkTypes = new Array("","","mailto");
var aDataset = new Array();
aDataset[0] = new Array("03/01/2004","Jo Blo","joblo at thingie.com");
aDataset[1] = new Array("03/04/2004","Sam Sham","samsham at froggie.org");

Javascript could build the actual data grid structure (using table or 
layers) and assign classes, link structures, and mouse events to each cell 
of the dataset as it builds them, ultimately generating a structure much 
wordier than the essential information that's been downloaded.

Any further thoughts anyone has on this topic would be appreciated.


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