[Javascript] Javascript arrays

Terry Riegel riegel at clearimageonline.com
Thu May 6 05:30:47 CDT 2004


I am new to javascript and would like to convert my code from a brute 
force method to a simpler method. I hope someone can help me out.

First let me say I am very inexperienced in Javascript, not 
programming. So consequently I can understand concepts pretty well, but 
struggle with the simple syntax issues.

Here is part of the function:

function changedest(dest,type)
   var td = document.getElementById(dest);
   if (td.style.backgroundColor == '#BFD7FF')
      td.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF';
      document.browseform["fm_list"].value = 
      td.style.backgroundColor = '#BFD7FF';
      document.browseform["fm_list"].value = 

The hidden field will contain the list of selected items like and gets 
updated when a user clicks on a link if its in the list it gets 
removed, if not it gets added. The problem is I am using the background 
color to determine the status of the list, and there are situatiuons 
when the background color and the list are out of sync. I would like to 
create a way for the background color to be set from the list, but I 
have no idea how to proceed. I have created a deselect() function, but 
it is very crude. Here it is.

function deselect()
var td = document.getElementById('.TEMP');
td.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
var td = document.getElementById('app');
td.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
var td = document.getElementById('apps');
td.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';

Thanks for any help with this.

Terry Riegel

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