[Javascript] separating structure, style, and behavior

Mike Dougherty mdougherty at pbp.com
Thu May 6 11:15:02 CDT 2004

I didn't know you could specify multiple classes, that's cool.  That's also a neat trick with the 
class name regexp replace - I can definately see myself using them.

On Thu, 06 May 2004 08:13:55 -0700
  Paul Novitski <paul at novitskisoftware.com> wrote:
>ye scribed:
>>   I like the idea of controlling display with css, but taking everything 
>> "out" to the style sheet makes the inline code a bit less readable.  (ok, 
>> so i'm lazy too)
>What I've found is that ever since I've been consciously separating html structure from 
>javascript behavior from css style, my own code has become MORE readable and manageable, and more 
>often I know exactly where to go to solve a particular problem because there's so little overlap 
>between the three domains.  Previously, if a page element didn't look or behave properly, I'd 
>have to look in two or three files to track it down.
>Here are some vivid examples of the sucessful separation of structure from style, in which the 
>same html skeleton is fleshed out dramatically differently using CSS:
>         Listamatic http://css.maxdesign.com.au/
>         The CSS Zen Garden http://www.csszengarden.com/
>In practice, I'm finding that I can't separate the three completely.  In order to get some CSS 
>structures to work, I find that I must tweak box dimensions at onload() or during interaction. 
> Until CSS4 and HTML7 and Browser10 come along and solve all of our problems forever (you bet!), 
>we'll be shambling along as best we can with incompletely formed limbs...  But even with today's 
>imperfect technology one can get quite close to the ideal.
>>   How do you deal with multiple properties using that strategy?  If i 
>> want to change both the background color (for enable/disable) and 
>> font-weight (for select/deselect) - is there a way to use CSS class, 
>> without having to define 4 classes for this one object?
>Well, there are various approaches.  First of all, I actually don't find it onerous to define 
>four classes if that's what the design calls for:
>         cssEnabled{background-color: lightblue;}
>         cssDisabled{background-color: ghostwhite;}
>         cssSelected{font-weight: bold;}
>         cssDeselected{font-weight: normal;}
>That way I can assign these classes to my elements singly or in pairs:
>         oThang.className = "cssEnabled"
>         oThang.className += " cssDeselected"
>The point is that I'm using html & javascript to apply metaphorical class names rather than 
>explicit style attributes.  Given a single html structure, I can tweak its appearance merely by 
>changing its stylesheet.  I can more easily allow a generic widget to be adapted to many cosmetic 
>contexts.  I can more easily use the same page for different purposes by creating alternative 
>stylesheets -- whether for different browsers or for different media (display/print).  Another 
>benefit of separation is that it's easier to build pages that degrade gracefully -- they may not 
>look terrific if the browser doesn't support CSS or Javascript, but at least they won't break as 
>easily as they would if the scripting languages were thouroughly intermixed.
>One of the cool things about CSS is that you can have more than one class name per object -- just 
>separate them with spaces:
>         <select class="cssEnabled cssDeselected cssFrankie cssJohnny ...">
>This allows a page element to belong to more than one cosmetic group, which can often come in 
>In a page where certain items can have more than one class name, I often use RegExp replace 
>logic.  Instead of:
>         oThang.className = "cssActive"
>I write:
>         oThang.className = oThang.className.replace(/cssIdle/, "cssActive")
>so that I can toggle one set of class names without disturbing others.
>Since CSS requires that multiple class names be delimited by spaces, it's easy to capture them in 
>a Javascript or VBscript array:
>         var aClassNameArray = oThang.className.split(" ")
>Of course, most often you don't need to declare a special class name for default states like 
>"disabled" or "deselected", because without a class name an element will render using the default 
>properties of its type, e.g.:
>         /* default properties for drop-down lists */
>         select
>         {
>                 background-color: ghostwhite;
>                 font-weight: normal;
>         }
>         /* special states */
>         select.cssEnabled
>         {
>                 background-color: lightblue;
>         }
>         select.cssSelected
>         {
>                 font-weight: bold;
>         }
>That way you're really only juggling two class names, not four, but with the same effect as four.
>Another cool thing about CSS is that you can use the a:hover selector in place of many Javascript 
>onmouseover behaviors.  (IE is limited to applying :hover to anchor tags, while some other 
>browsers will apply it to any tag.)
>         <ul id="Amphibians">
>                 <li><a href="#">Frog</a></li>
>                 <li><a href="#">Salamander</a></li>
>         </ul>
>         #Amphibians a:hover
>         {
>                 background-color: lightgreen;
>         }
>You can even use this to drive dynamic menus, causing sub-menu items to appear & disappear with 
>         <ul id="PlantList">
>                 <li><a href="#">Trees
>                         <ul>
>                                 <li>Larch</li>
>                                 <li>Spruce</li>
>                         </ul>
>                 </a></li>
>                 <li><a href="#">Shrubs</a>
>                         ...
>                 </li>
>         </ul>
>         /* hide submenus by default */
>         #PlantList a ul
>         {
>                 display: none;
>         }
>         /* show submenus on mouse over */
>         #PlantList a:hover ul
>         {
>                 display: block;
>         }
>More later...
>At 06:12 AM 5/6/2004, Mike Dougherty wrote:
>>>Rather than explictly changing an element's backgroundColor in Javascript, I recommend that you 
>>>change its className instead, and set the color specifics in your stylesheet.  If you can confine 
>>>as many of your stylistic effects as possible to css, you'll always know where to go to tweak the 
>>>cosmetic and you won't have to worry about css/javascript conflicts.
>>   How do you deal with multiple properties using that strategy?  If i 
>> want to change both the background color (for enable/disable) and 
>> font-weight (for select/deselect) - is there a way to use CSS class, 
>> without having to define 4 classes for this one object?
>>   I like the idea of controlling display with css, but taking everything 
>> "out" to the style sheet makes the inline code a bit less readable.  (ok, 
>> so i'm lazy too)
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