[Javascript] Safari Bug in latest release

Terry Riegel riegel at clearimageonline.com
Mon Nov 15 14:13:43 CST 2004

Thanks for the reply.
>> var a = parent.toolbar.document.getElementById('delete');
>> I added an alert to see if I could figure it out.
>> alert( parent.toolbar.document );
>> and it says "Undefined". Any ideas how I can fix this. It used to 
>> work until I upgraded to the latest OS update whick included bug 
>> fixes for Safari.
> Without seeing your page, nothing specific.  Choose 'Log Javascript 
> Excpetions' from the 'Debug' menu and open Console for a more specific 
> error message.  My first test would be to change it to 
> 'window.parent.toolbar.document'  otherwise, all you can do is alert 
> on each step to see where it fails i.e.
> alert( parent );
> alert( parent.toolbar );
> alert( parent.toolbar.document );
> If you are in a frameset you could try window.parent.frames['toolbar'];

Here is what I get, still no clue how to solve it. As I see it the 
javascript is valid, Safari has broken and I need to build a hack. Does 
this seem like a fair assessment?

alert( parent.toolbar.document );        - Undefined
alert( parent.toolbar );                 - Nothing Displays
alert( parent );                         - [Object Window]

alert( window.parent.toolbar.document ); - Undefined
alert( window.parent.toolbar );          - Nothing displays
alert( window.parent );                  - [Object Window]
alert( window );                         - [Object Window]

This is the HTML for the parent frame
<title>File Manager </title>
   <frameset rows="50,27,*" border="0" frameborder="0" border="0" 
    <frame SRC="toolbar.html" name="toolbar" scrolling="no" 
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
    <frame SRC="path.html" name="path" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" 
    <frameset cols="33%,67%"  frameborder="1" border="01" 
     <frame SRC="browse.html" name="browse" scrolling="yes" 
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
     <frame SRC="details.html" name="details" marginwidth="0" 
marginheight="0" scrolling="yes">
   <noframes>NO FRAMES</noframes>

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