[Javascript] text input field acting up

Innerlab innerlab at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 1 16:53:06 CDT 2004


I just cannot figure this one out. There's this search form that for some reason, reloads the page (or so it seems) when the mouse
is clicked on its
text input field. There's no command on this input field (onClick , onFocus , etc.), nor anywhere else in the page (like a function)
that would instruct such thing  to happen.

Until I figure the nature of this (my code is mostly VBScript) , is there a way I can force
this input filed to do ABSOLUTELY nothing when "onClick , onFocus , etc"?

I've tried putting something like an alert onClick, to se if it would cancel the refresh/reload, but no, both things take place.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

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