[Javascript] text input field acting up

Flavio Gomes flavio at economisa.com.br
Fri Sep 3 14:47:57 CDT 2004

document.write('div.mydiv {background-image:url('+jsPath +');}');

Flavio Gomes
flavio at economisa.com.br

Innerlab escreveu:

>This is more of a CSS question, but I am not in any mailing list for that. In any case, the style changes I am dealing with now are
>quite dynamic and involve javascript.
>Below is an example of image parameters that can be changed using javascript.
>var jsPath = "img/myimage.jpg"
>var jsHeight = 20
>var jsWidth = 200
>document.write('<img src="'+jsPath +'" width="'+jsHeight +'" height="+jsWidth +" />');
>Now, how can I change such parameters when the image it's used as a background ?
>div.mydiv {background-image:url(img/bkg_01.jpg);}
>Any ideas?
>Thanks in advance.

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