[Javascript] Problem with onBlur and dropdown lists - need help!!!

Guilherme Cordeiro guilhermecordeiro at yahoo.com.br
Thu Sep 23 13:31:58 CDT 2004

Hi, I created two HTML files, "main.html" and

main.html :

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
 function topwind()

 <a href="javascript:topwind();">Click</a> to open
small window.</p>

button.html :

<BODY onblur="self.focus();">
<FORM id="select">
 <table cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="2" width="300"
   <td colSpan="2">Select options:</td>
    <select name="select_l">
     <option value="Option A">Option A
     <option value="Option B">Option B
     <option value="Option C">Option C
     <option value="Option D">Option D
    <select name="select_n">
     <option value="Option 1">Option 1
     <option value="Option 2">Option 2
     <option value="Option 3">Option 3
     <option value="Option 4">Option 4
   <td colSpan="2">
    <P align="center">
    <input type="button" name="but_ok" value="OK"
    <input type="button" name="but_cancel"
value="Cancel" onclick="">

I placed onBlur on the body tag of "button.html", so
the window with this HTML code will stay always on
top. However, this onBlur event doesn't allow me to
select a value on the dropdown lists,  "Letters" and
"Numbers". Does anyone know how can I put this window
always on top, and at the same time to be able to
select option in the dropdown lists? Thanks!

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