[Javascript] Object Detection using Javascript.

Ben Crane crane_ba at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 24 03:25:50 CDT 2004

Hi all,

Me again, when there's one there's usually more
questions. :)

I want to do a browser check using Javascript objects
to determine Opera, IE, Netscape, Safari, etc. but
can't find any information or websites that cover that
javascript objects are not covered by which website. I
can find stuff on IE and Netscape (mainly for versions
3/4) but I'd like a more comprehensive list? Does
anyone know where I can find one? I have tried looking
under what DOM objects are not support by each browser
but it tends to be a dead end.

The reason I ask is that I use div tags (with
overflow:scroll / hidden) for IE and NS, but since
Opera doesn't cover overflow:scroll or hidden) I need
to know what browsers are opening up my webpage so I
can assign the appropriate CSS or disable Javascript.
I have thought about using javsacript to create a
scrollable textbox such as the one Zscrollbar I
found-but I don't know how to create one and kinda
want to do it myself.


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