[Javascript] Data Structure implementation

james james at southspace.org
Mon Apr 4 10:29:31 CDT 2005


I am studying data structure design for javascript. This is a bit of 
a strange question and I'm not sure that many people will know the 
answer to it.

It concernes the data structure Link-List. A Link-List is one of the 
classic data structures used in C.

for JavaScript example see

So that is easy enough. But in C one reason to use link-lists is to 
overcome the problems of storing a dynamic number of elements in a 
fixed contiguos array. Since Javascript uses hash tables to implement 
an array data structure it's Array's are not contigous or fixed. So 
is there every any reason to implement a Link-List in JavaScript?

Has anyone imlemented a link-lists in their JavaScript? If so what 
were the reasons for your choice of datastructure?



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