[Javascript] Data Structure implementation

james james at southspace.org
Mon Apr 4 12:50:52 CDT 2005

>Most hash tables are implemented using arrays. You seem to be implying
>this is not the case with Javascript. Do you have information
>supporting this?

no I meant the other way around!  (Javascript uses a hash table to 
implement it's Arrays).

I believe arrays/objects are implemented using hash tables inside the 
javascript interpreter, which yes probably ultimately use arrays 
somewhere at a lower level, but the relationship between your array 
in javascript and it's organisation in ram will not be 1:1

  I would consider a more concrete definition of an array to be those 
that defined by C (contiguous storage in RAM)

and Javascript's Array() to be really a hash table but referred to as 
an array for general ease/useability.

>  > Has anyone imlemented a link-lists in their JavaScript? If so what
>>  were the reasons for your choice of datastructure?
>I think the reasons for using a linked-list apply pretty much
>regardless of the language being used.

the only example of a linked list being used in JavaScript I know of 
is this one:


I am not really as much of an expert on this as I would like to be 
but I would say the reasons for using a linked list structure if for 
example you were using C are:

easy insertions
easy joins
no risk of overflow (so you can for example easily implement a queue)

the downsides being:

no direct but only sequential access

but this is in comparison to classic C Arrays, whereas in comparison 
to a Hash Table for everything approach of JavaScript, and when you 
have compiled into the Javascript interpreter methods like 
Array.Splice(), I'm not sure what the benefits are of implementing 
such an structure....

so if you know of more reasons for using a linked-list then I would 
be very interested.

(oh, and aplogies, I am using a friend's account, my name is Jenny, not James!)

Thanks again.


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