[Javascript] (no subject)

james james at southspace.org
Wed Apr 13 08:01:54 CDT 2005

I'm sorry, I don't want to sound like the list police, I'm new here too, 
but I think your asking way too much buddy, get on google and do some of 
your own research, there are millions of pages of javascript out there, one 
of which is bound to have your answer.


At 13:47 13/04/2005 +0100, you wrote:
>hello to all members,
>im new to javascript and would like to know its full capabilities, are 
>there any examples of programs that allow a person to:
>1.Create a web site for renting cars. The first web page should offer 4 
>different cars for rent (each car for a different weekly price). For each 
>car the user should be able to select the number of weeks that the car is 
>to be hired for (For each car provide a list box for the user to select 
>the number of weeks for that car - and select '0' if the user does not 
>require that car).
>The user should be able to decide whether or not to pay for extra personal 
>insurance (use radio buttons) and the cost will be 10% extra on the page 
>total price. The user can also opt to be on a mailing list (use a checkbox 
>for this - which is initially set as checked).
>When the basic page is working code should be included to allow the total 
>ticket cost to be saved in a cookie.
>2. Create a second page to allow the user to enter in their name, and 
>3. The final page should access the cookie information in order to show 
>all the details entered on second page and just the total price from the 
>first page.
>The three web pages should be called: car.htm, name.htm, and final.htm.
>4. After you have the main web pages working add user data input 
>validation and more sophisticated cookie handling methods (eg - to handle 
>any user input data lengths).
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