[Javascript] (no subject)

Chris Harrison chrisharrison.com.au at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 08:22:18 CDT 2005

At least try to make your posts vaguely related to JavaScript.

On 4/13/05, rene james <rjb_specialist at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> hello to all members,
>  im new to javascript and would like to know its full capabilities, are 
> there any examples of programs that allow a person to: 
>  1.Create a web site for renting cars. The first web page should offer 4 
> different cars for rent (each car for a different weekly price). For each 
> car the user should be able to select the number of weeks that the car is to 
> be hired for (For each car provide a list box for the user to select the 
> number of weeks for that car - and select '0' if the user does not require 
> that car). 
> The user should be able to decide whether or not to pay for extra personal 
> insurance (use radio buttons) and the cost will be 10% extra on the page 
> total price. The user can also opt to be on a mailing list (use a checkbox 
> for this - which is initially set as checked).
> When the basic page is working code should be included to allow the total 
> ticket cost to be saved in a cookie. 
> 2. Create a second page to allow the user to enter in their name, and 
> postcode.
> 3. The final page should access the cookie information in order to show 
> all the details entered on second page and just the total price from the 
> first page. 
> The three web pages should be called: car.htm, name.htm, and final.htm.
> 4. After you have the main web pages working add user data input 
> validation and more sophisticated cookie handling methods (eg - to handle 
> any user input data lengths).
>  Send instant messages to your online friends 
> http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 
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Dont let people drive you crazy when you know its in walking distance.
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