[Javascript] vs vbscript

Mike Dougherty mdougherty at pbp.com
Thu Apr 14 10:18:58 CDT 2005

if you are talking about client-side scripting, you have little choice- use js.

if you are talking about server-side scripting:
   you could probably capitalize on your vb knowledge and get started quickly with vbscript 
(typically what the boss wants to hear)  If you gain a comfort level using client-side js, you CAN 
use it server-side as well.  Native array functions (and "strings are really character 
collections/etc) are one compelling reason to use server-side js, also the try/catch error 
handling is much nicer to use than vbscript's "on error resume next & clutter your code with a 
bunch of error checking"   If not for the fact that our development team expects to see vbscript, 
I would be migrating to js on the server.

>im in two minds of whether to do my program in javascript or vbscript, im alrady familiar with vb 
>but wnat to undersatnd javascript then compare the two.

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