[Javascript] how to make portable

Ryan Cannon ryan at ryancannon.com
Wed Apr 20 13:42:39 CDT 2005

shellExecute is a Microsoft-only scripting solution, which means any 
scripts you write will not be portable, because computers not running 
windows will not understand that command, nor will non-IE browsers 
(Firefox, Opera, Netscape, etc.) even on Windows. For it to work on 
win98, you need to include some other files, and you can read about that 
more on Microsoft's Developer's Network[1]. If the link doesn't work 
just search for shellExecute in Google.


Personally, I think it's good practice to write standard javascript and 
DOM, with a few tweaks to get IE in line. Plus, using a browser to 
execute shell commands fires off major security flags, so unless you're 
planning on using this for an in-house app, you might get a lot of 
complaints. Perhaps the list could be more helpful if you described what 
you were trying to do.

Ryan Cannon
Instructional Technology
Web Design

javascript-request at LaTech.edu wrote:
> Hello, i am finding difficulty to make a code to work on all computers. 
> it is a web page having java  script. the program is all about to open 
> an editor. it is working in one computer which has WIN XP , another 
> computer has win 98 where it is not working, plz tellme how to run it on 
> win98,if i run the code there it is giving an error permission denied. i 
> have used ShellExecute command.
> bye
> Regards....
> madhu

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