[Javascript] form parameters

Paul Novitski paul at novitskisoftware.com
Wed Apr 20 19:16:02 CDT 2005

At 04:15 PM 4/20/2005, Chuck Soper wrote:
>In my desktop application I allow users submit feedback via a web page 
>with a form. I do this by launching the default browser, with a certain 
>URL. My JavaScript question is: how can I send parameters to the form page?
>Is it something like this:
>   www.mywebsite.com/feedback.html?parm1=productName
>How would I access the value of parm1 from JavaScript?
>Also, is there a way to pass two parameters?



Here's just one way to retrieve them in javascript:

// split the URL into URI & querystring
var sURL = new String(document.location.href);
var aHref = sURL.split("?");

// this leaves the URI in aHref[0] and the querystring in aHref[1]

// get an array of argument/value pairs
var sQ = new String(aHref[1]);
var aArgPairs = sQ.split("&");

// this puts each "arg=val" pair into each array element

// parse arg pairs
for (var iArg=0; iArg < aArgPairs.length; iArg++)
         var sArgPair = new String(aArgPairs[iArg]);
         var aArg = sArgPair.split("=");

         // this puts the parameter in aArg[0] and the value in aArg[1]


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