[Javascript] Returning a Question

Scott Moore moore.scott at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 13:53:27 CDT 2005

Just as an FYI, the article I was working off and that outlined the  
original code is here http://www.alistapart.com/articles/ 
imagegallery/. However, I didn't see that the author  specifically  
explained the use of return(showPic(this).

On Aug 11, 2005, at 1:57 PM, Triche Osborne wrote:

Scott's problem and its solution reminded me of a question I've been  
wanting to ask re: the following:

<a onclick="return(showPic(this))" href="image.jpg" />

What, exactly, is return doing in this instance? The function has no  
explicit return value, so I'm guessing this returns a Boolean? If so,  
why does this cancel the normal behavior (link that opens with the  
href value)? If not, what is being returned and why does it cancel  
normal behavior?
     None of my JS references explains the use (or not) of return in  
a function call when there is no explicit value to be returned. (They  
use it sometimes, but don't explain *why*.)


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