[Javascript] Creating a DOM based Image Rotator

Triche Osborne wdlists at triche-osborne.com
Thu Aug 18 15:42:34 CDT 2005

Harvey A. Ramer wrote:
> The script does run on Firefox but requires me to use "name" rather than
> "id". This is invalid XHTML.
> I would like to use the id attribute. I think it requires using
> getElementById and I'm not quite sure how to approach it. Probably simple.
> I'll get it when I have time if no one else has the immediate fix.
I don't have your images so I couldn't test the rotation part, but 
(using id="rotateImg"), the following does identify the proper image for 

var rotateImages = new 
var thisImage = 0;
var imageCt = rotateImages.length;
var curDocImg;

//On load, get placeholder image element.
window.onload = function()
	curDocImg = document.getElementById("rotateImg");

function rotate()
	if (curDocImg.complete)

		if (thisImage == imageCt)

		curDocImg.src = rotateImages[thisImage];
		setTimeout("rotate()", 6*1000)


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