[Javascript] Test or Identify Value of Submit Button's Assigned Value

Flavio Gomes flavio at economisa.com.br
Fri Jan 21 12:02:50 CST 2005

Hello Ron,

Maybe changing  your checkForm to something like

          function checkForm(pressedSubmit)   { ... }

then call it as

          <input type=submit onclick="checkForm(this.value)" name=action 
          <input type=submit onclick="checkForm(this.value)" name=action 

Or you could set a variable initiated with the default "value" of the 
submit, and when the user clicks the button (the submit) it changes the 
variable value to it's(button's) value.

Flavio Gomes
flavio at economisa.com.br

Ron Wingfield wrote:

> I have defined some submit buttons, e.g., assoc/w "Inquire", "Update", 
> etc.,  as follows:
>     $cgi-> submit(-name=>"action", -value=>"Inquire"),
>     $cgi-> submit(-name=>"action", -value=>"Update"),
> Regarding the first "if" condition in the following JavaScript code 
> (from the checkForm function executed -onsubmit), the value of  " 
> form["action"].value " is /undefined/ (. . .at least at the point in 
> my code); however, the value of " form[''name"].value " is the value 
> as typed in the form's /Name/ field. 
>                  if ( form["action"].value == "Update") {
>                       if ( form["name"].value == "") {
>                           alert("Name is required");
>                       return false;
>                       }
>                  }
> Obviously, the following -onsubmit condition is executing the 
> JavaScript.  In the client-side JavaScript, how do I test the value of 
> the clicked submit button?  In other words, I need to know which 
> submit button was clicked.
>     $cgi->start_form(-action=>'vendors_01.pl',
>                   -method=>'GET',
>                   -name=>'vendors_01.pl',
>                   -onsubmit=>"return checkForm( this );" );
> Thanks,
> Ron Wingfield
> FreeBSD 4.8  --  Apache http 2.0.28 -- MySQL client/server 4.1.7
> Perl 5.8.5 -- p5-DBD-mysql-2.9004 driver -- p5-DBI-1.46

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