[Javascript] detect js

Ron Koster ron at psymon.com
Fri Jan 28 01:15:36 CST 2005

At 01:37 AM 28/01/2005, Paul Novitski wrote:
>Another less guaranteed method would be to include the log-in input fields 
>in the page but suppress them from display with CSS, such as:
>         <input style="display: none;" type="text" ... />
>Then use javascript to change the display to block.  This technique 
>wouldn't work if the user agent didn't process CSS.

Um, why not just use document.write to write out the HTML code for the form 
to log in? If they don't have javascript enabled, they won't see any code, 
of course -- and, naturally, only people with javascript enabled will be 
logging in (which is what was wanted).

Seems so obvious... is there something I'm missing?

Ron :?

PS. Guess nobody knows the answer to my own javascript/coldfusion question 
of the other day?

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