[Javascript] Need help with IE events

Mike Dougherty mdougherty at pbp.com
Fri Jul 8 17:40:44 CDT 2005

I need ideas for how to fix IE (Firefox does not have this problem)


We were having problems with click events not firing when you click on the page nav buttons 
(Front/Inside/Envelope/Review)  To more clearly see the problem, I added the onmouseover event to 
bring the focus to the button.  If you move the pointer back and forth over the buttons, you will 
occassionally see that the focus does not move as it is supposed to.  If the focus does not move, 
the click is also dead.  Move the mouse slightly; the focus will move and the click will work.

I hope someone can provide insight into why IE is ruining my latest best effort at separating 
javascript from HTML.  (I'm guessing the problem is on hooking up the events)

Any feedback you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

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