[Javascript] An image loader nearly working except for IE

Troy III Ajnej trojani2000 at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 17 10:57:13 CDT 2005

Hello, Guillaume!
I have to repply fast. Sems to me you've forgoten that the script I 
promissed was written for different purposes, that is: scrolling very large 
images.That script will make it more convenient for the user to view the 
whole picture srolling the parts of it with the mouse exactly like adobe 
Acrobat does. You can associate your page with this script, so if the 
original picture can't fit in my 1024x768 screen resolution I may scroll it 
by mouse. Just a thought.
(I've proposed that just as addon functionality)

But, here is my solution proposal for IE browsers,

<IMG ID='img' SRC=...  onReadyStateChange="isImageLoaded()" ...>

function isImageLoaded(){
                     if( document.images[0].readyState=='complete'){ //if 
image has no ID.
Or you can do it this way:

function isImageLoaded(){
                     if( img.readyState=='complete'){ //if image has 
The "else" condition is to display the mask for the first time, if by 
default for noscript browsers you've set the mask display property to 
"none", otherwise if not, you may completely remove 
"else{mask.style.display='block'}" statement from the function 'cause 
there's no need for it.

Please Test it and repply.

>From: Guillaume <javascript at webdesignofficina.com>
>Reply-To: "\[JavaScript List\]" <javascript at LaTech.edu>
>To: "[JavaScript List]" <javascript at LaTech.edu>
>Subject: Re: [Javascript] An image loader nearly working except for IE
>Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 15:12:36 +0200
>Dear Troy,
>Thank you for your reply, i added a few comments below...
>>All right, cliche does not mean no value strait ahead.
>>Taking pictures of nature is a cliche already, but taking great pictures 
>>of nature, is an art.
>Ooops... there was not any negative value for the use of "cliche", sorry... 
>I used it my french mind where a cliche first means the object, the 
>photography... But you can also use it to denote something that has a 
>negative value in the sense you hear it...
>>The script I mentioned earlier is made for maps, scout maps etc., but it 
>>is very suitable for other pictures that don't fit your screen also.
>>it should be 100% compatible with NN and IE all versions, not sure about 
>>here it is: (for aesthetic reasons please declare style="overflow:hidden" 
>>in the <Body> tag)
>>var x, y, dx, dy, dB=document.body;
>>function enableMove(){
>>         dB.style.cursor="move" //can't make it work!
>>                                x=event.screenX
>>         y=event.screenY
>>         dx=x+dB.scrollLeft
>>         dy=y+dB.scrollTop
>>     }
>>function movingNow(){
>>if (window.event.button==1) {
>>         x=event.screenX
>>         y=event.screenY
>>        dB.scrollLeft = 0-(x-dx)
>>        dB.scrollTop  = 0-(y-dy)
>>        dB.style.cursor="move"
>>         }
>>     }
>>function setItBack(){dB.style.cursor='';}
>>function retF(){return false}
>>document.onmousedown  =enableMove
>>document.onmousemove  =movingNow
>>document.onmouseup    =setItBack
>>document.ondragstart  =retF
>Troy, i really don't get the point of this script... Does this method can 
>be used to preload images ? I'm sorry but my skills are limited and maybie 
>i'm missing something obvious...
>>[notice: if you have other window independable objects in the page (like 
>>inputs etc) this script might return some errors,
>Yes, i do have inputs on the page i will build with this script...
>>because selection will not be disabled for this type of objects by this 
>>script and by default]
>>you may remove the set cursor lines in order to cut the script shorter.
>>I believe that making scripts targeting one browser only, is one of the 
>>best ways to go.
>>but this mean that you always have to create the snifer page that will 
>>direct the user browser to the right scipts and the right page dependable 
>>to the broser system hitting it.
>Not if we can make it go cross-browser... Ie is only missing in the list of 
>working browsers. J. Lester came up with a version of the script that has 
>downsides on a user-friendly level,  but that is apparently perfectly 
>working, including Ie. The only way to make IE catch it is the use of this 
>line ( inside the J. Lester script ) :
>// xPloder doesn't handle onload very well, //onreadystatechange is more 
>accurate [tested to work in xPloder 5/5.5/6]
>      if (img.onreadystatechange)
>         img.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 
>'complete') document.getElementById('mask').style.display = 'none'; };
>As you mentioned this property in an earlier mail, I'd like to have your 
>thoughts about this...
>>The 'this.complete' is god choice (almost universal) but the weaknes is in 
>>the fact that it does not ocure as event. So you have to check its state 
>>continuously. (I hate timers, they slow the system down)  but it reveals 
>>it self as the last resort in this casse.
>We could mix it with the onreadystatechange mentioned above to make it go 
>>Waiting to see your modified script
>I'll try to add the lines mentioned above to target IE and i'll let you 
>Thank you very much.
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