[Javascript] calling functions with parameters

Tim Burgan email at timburgan.com
Sat Jul 23 07:05:38 CDT 2005


I'm trying to call a function that has parameters, but nothing happens. 
IE tells me that my function call has an error.

I've never "learned" javascript.. I'm just trying to play with it myself 
by applying my knowledge of PHP and Java. Am I able to use parameters is 
this way?

The error message in IE is:
Not implemented

The code for my function call is (this is the code where the error occurs):
window.onload = showHideOption("a","popup");

The function is:
function showHideOption(tag, cssClass)
   /* Ensure the DOM is available */
   if ( !document.getElementsByTagName )
      return false;
   /* Get all links */
   var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
   /* Find an anchor that has been clicked */
   for ( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ )
      if ( links[i].className.match(cssClass) )
         links[i].onclick = function()
            this.style.color = 'red';
            return false;



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