[Javascript] display text based on co-ordinates on image

Del Wegener del at delweg.com
Thu Nov 10 13:22:34 CST 2005

> But I cant get the text to display based on the co-ordinate, I cant
use onhover or onmouse etc, because there is no link.
> I would like to use
> http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/
> With the example of  "Navigations help"
> If anyone has any tips or advice, I would be most gratefull.
> Kind Regards
> Brent Clark


I use overlib quite a bit and in fact use it to display messages which
depend on the location of the mouse in the graphic.

I create a hot spot at each location of interest and then use code
similar to the following

<map name="Map_6a" id="exercise_6a">
<area shape="rect" coords="126,3,142,45" href="#"onMouseOver="return
overlib(matrix_addition,CAPTION, owl_caption)" onMouseOut="nd();">
<area shape="rect" coords="270,3,285,45" href="#"onMouseOver="return
overlib(simple_entry,CAPTION, owl_caption)" onMouseOut="nd();">

The actual text to be displayed is contained in variables named
matrix_addition or simple_entry which are either in the Head of the page
or in an include file.

It works like a champ.

You can view the page at

Scroll down to problem 6.   Move your cursor over the arrows, = symbols
 These solutions are infact graphic files.

The same approach should work with your map.

If you are interested in some extensions to Overlib, try this site.  His
stuff works well.


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