[Javascript] DOM book

Nick Fitzsimons nick at nickfitz.co.uk
Wed Oct 5 06:40:03 CDT 2005

> does anydbody know a good javascript book dealing with
> the latest DOM features?

You should have a look at Stuart Langridge's DHTML Utopia:


Despite the DHTML in the title (insisted on by the publishers,
apparently), the blurb on the site explains:

" DHTML Utopia: Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM doesn’t cover
old-style, browser-specific DHTML. Modern DHTML, as presented in this
book, utilizes Web standards, separates the code from the markup, and
degrades gracefully.

"So your code will enhance sites’ interactivity and usability in browsers
that can handle it, but won’t break the functionality on those that can’t.
You can use DHTML on any Website, without having to worry about causing
problems for even a small percent of your visitors. "

Stuart is a founder member of the Web Standard's Project's DOM Scripting
Task Force <http://domscripting.webstandards.org/>, and knows what he's
talking about.

(Openness and honesty: I'm also a founder member of WaSP DOM Scripting
TF... but that doesn't bias me in his favour :-)


Nick Fitzsimons

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