[Javascript] Compare two dates

Nick Fitzsimons nick at nickfitz.co.uk
Fri Oct 14 09:42:00 CDT 2005

> Hello everybody,
> i would like to validate/compare two dates. The first date should be
> earlier
> than the second one.

Dates are represented internally as a 32-bit number, so

if (firstDate < secondDate) {
   // first date is earlier than second date
} else {
   // first date is equal to or later than second date

Note that this works to millisecond precision, so two dates that are the
same will be different if their times are different. In other words,

2005-10-15 15:00:00

is less than

2005-10-15 15:00:01

You can work around this, if necessary, by explicitly setting the times of
the Date objects, using setHour etcetera.


Nick Fitzsimons

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