[Javascript] Alert user when leaving site

Triche Osborne wdlists at triche-osborne.com
Sat Sep 10 16:47:58 CDT 2005

Julien Nadeau wrote:
> What has  
> to be done is try to compare this string to the destination domain. I  
> have no idea how to do this automatically, but you could modify my  
> function to add it to every link in the page and add an destURL  
> argument to compare (this could be done automatically by scanning the  
> DOM for every <a> element and adding events to each of theses).
Another thought on this: Use an onload event (similar to those used for 
Suckerfish menus) to loop through all of a page's links and add an 
onclick event which passes this.hostname to a function which compares 
the link hostname to the current domain name. If they are the same, do 
nothing; if not, issue the alert. The alert will halt the transfer until 
cleared. Since the onclick event takes precedence over the link 
activation, you can eliminate the unload event.


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